Within the architecture of standard convolutional neural networks, 1×1 convolutions emerge as a nuanced yet impactful component. Their defining trait is the kernel size of 1×1, which diverges from the broader contextual analysis typical in larger kernels, focusing instead on the interactions across channels. When a 3×3 input feature map with three channels is subjected to four distinct 1×1 convolution operations, the outcome is an output feature map of identical spatial dimensions (3×3) but expanded to four channels, as demonstrated in Figure 1.


Operational Purposes of 1×1 Convolutions

1×1 convolutions are instrumental for two primary functions:

Example: 1×1 Convolution in GoogLeNet

GoogLeNet, the victor of the 2014 ImageNet challenge, distinguished itself not only by depth but also by introducing lateral "width" to its architecture. Given the vast disparities in spatial dimensions of image information, selecting the appropriate kernel size for feature extraction is crucial. Larger kernels suit broad spatial distributions, whereas smaller kernels are optimal for localized features. To navigate this complexity, GoogLeNet introduced the Inception module, exemplified in Figure 2:


Employing a multi-path design, the Inception module synthesizes outputs from convolutions of varying kernel sizes and a maximum pooling operation. This design strategy, as portrayed in Figure 2(a), ensures comprehensive feature integration from multiple perspectives, although it risks escalating the channel count significantly, particularly in concatenated module configurations, inflating the network's parameterization.

To counteract potential parameter bloat, GoogLeNet introduced 1×1 convolutions strategically within the Inception module for efficient channel reduction and augmentation, as depicted in Figure 2(b). This enhancement curtails the channel dimensions prior to and following more resource-intensive convolutions, thus preserving computational resources without diminishing expressiveness.

Computational Efficiency

The utilization of 1×1 convolutions within the module evidences a notable reduction in parameters. For context, a standard Inception module configuration without 1×1 convolutions necessitates a substantial number of parameters:

For initial configurations: 1×1×192×64 for 1×1 convolutions, 3×3×192×128 for 3×3 convolutions, and 5×5×192×32 for 5×5 convolutions yield 387,072 parameters. Optimized through strategic 1×1 convolution incorporation, as shown in Figure 2(b), parameter counts decrease significantly:

$$ 1×1×192×64+1×1×192×96+1×1×192×16+3×3×96×128+5×5×16×32+1×1×192×32=163328 $$

The inclusion of pre-convolutional 1×1 reductions and post-max pooling enhancements yields a revised parameter total of 163,328. This exemplifies the efficacy of 1×1 convolutions in optimizing neural architecture without compromising on its functional integrity, embodying a harmonious balance between computational efficiency and nuanced, layered feature extraction in the realm of deep learning.