Yuhang Ye, PhD (Leader of IVCC Group)

Job Title: Assistant Lecturer @ TUS

Research Interest

Deep Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Video Enahancement; Multimedia Communication; Computer Network; Signal Processing;

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuhang-ye-89a93183/




Team Members

Staff Qualifications Type* Research Interests and related specialisms (ISCED Codes) Google Scholar
Yuhang Ye PhD PI Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Multimedia Communication
(0613) https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hCCf688AAAAJ
Raghav Saxena MSc Research Engineer Computer Vision
Iram Arshad
(PhD Candidate) MSc Research Engineer and PhD Candidate Adversarial Machine Learning in Computer Vision
(0613, 07) https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=nw8VkFIAAAAJ
Xiaonan He
(PhD Candidate) BSc PhD Candidate Computer Vision (0613) https://orcid.org/0009−0009−4320−8825
Leqi Li
(PhD Candidate) BSc PhD Candidate Computer Vision, Multimedia Communication (0613)

Dr. Ye has been a part of the Department of Computer and Software Engineering since 2018. He earned his PhD in 2018 from the Athlone Institute of Technology and previously completed his BEng and MEngSc at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, in 2012 and 2019, respectively.

Dr. Ye's research primarily focuses on video enhancement, specifically in video codec-aware enhancement and the dynamic analysis of video transmission. His work aims to improve video streaming quality and efficiency by developing deep neural network methods to enhance spatial-temporal features and adapt to varying network conditions.

Dr. Ye has been active in the academic community, contributing as a paper reviewer for flagship conferences such as ACM Multimedia (MM), ACM Multimedia Asia (MMAsia), IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). He takes pride in mentoring PhD students and has developed comprehensive courseware in advanced data visualization, data analytics, deep neural networks, and blockchain data security.

Dr. Ye has effectively applied his research to meet industrial needs, collaborating with companies like IDASO, Luxottica, SilentPush, NPD, and Valeo to develop practical solutions, securing over €700,000 in funding through Enterprise Ireland to support these collaborative projects and develop practical solutions.